When playing DOTA 2 game, you need to know there is so many role you can choose. One of them is support. This role is very important, why ? Because support can provide so many thing for carry, like sentry ward, observer ward, jungle stacking, backuping and roaming. When playing support, there is the best item you can buy, with this item, you can do more in team.
First item is Euls Scepter. This item have a active skill named cyclone. When using cycole to enemy, the target unit will be airboned and can’t move for a period of time. This item also giving Mana regeneration and Mana pool to your hero. Almost forgot, this item also giving boost to your movement speed.
The second one is Mekanism. This item is an healing item. When buy this item, you can give HP regeneration aura to your teammates around you. If you actived the spell, you will heal yourself and your teammates for 250 HP. This item is really usefull and can be combine with Arcane boots.
Third one is Glimmer’s Cape. With this mantle, you can make yourself or your teammates become invicible for a period of time. When target under this item effect, they will gain 50% magic resistense. This item is so usefull against magic caster enemy.
Remember this words, behind every great carry, there is a great support !