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Dalam bermain judi poker online tentunya harapan semua para pemain hanyalah sebuah kemenangan yang besar dalam permainan. Namun, untuk bisa mewujudkan suatu kemenangan dalam bermain judi idn poker online tentunya tidaklah semudah membalikan telapak tangan. Untuk bisa memenangkan suatu permainan judi poker online, tentunya para pemain harus menguasai beberapa trik dan strategi yang tepat agar dapat memenangkan permainan tersebut.

Trik dan startegi dalam permainan judi poker online tentunya sangat wajib anda kuasai terlebih dahulu agar para pemain bisa dengan mudah dalam meraih suatu kemenangan. Namun, bagi para pemain awam yang baru saja bergabung di dunia perjudian poker online tentunya masih belum mengerti apa itu trik dan startegi yang cocok untuk di gunakan dalam bermain judi poker online.

Namun, dibalik itu semua ternyata para pemain bisa mendapatkan cara yang paling ampuh atau bisa dikatakan sebagai jalan pintas bagi para pemain yang ingin meraih sebuah kemenangan secara mudah. Untuk dapat meraih sebuah kemenangan yang besar, tentunya para pemain hanya perlu bergabung bersama agen resmi idn poker yang memberikan akun user id pro. Sehingga dengan begitu para pemain bisa mendapatkan suatu kemenangan yang besar tanpa harus menerapkan strategi dan trik permainan.

Nah untuk bisa mendapatkan akun pro, para pemain bisa meraihnya di agen jeniuspoker secara gratis. Agen idn poker resmi ini sudah beroperasi di Indonesi sejak tahun 2008 hingga saat ini situs jeniuspoker selalu saja mendapatkan review yang bagus dari para pokermania yang ada di Indonesia. Bukan hanya akun pro saja yang di berikan agen jeniuspoker ini, tetapi masih banyak lagi keuntungan lainnya yang dapat kalian raih setiap harinya jika bergabung bersama agen ini.

Cara Mendaftar Akun Pro Di Situs Jeniuspoker

Satu hal yang wajib anda ketahui bahwa akun pro yang ada di agen jeniuspoker tidak setiap harinya bisa kalian dapatkan karena meiliki keterbatasan. Itulah penyebabnya banyak dari poker mani yang banyak mencari akun pro yang tersedia. Aakan tetapi para pokermania masih tetap bisa mendapatkannya dengan mendaftarkn akun di situs resmi idn poker jeniuspoker.

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Minimal Deposit Yang Terjangkau Dengan Di Lengkapi Metode Pembayaran Lengkap

Nah, untuk dapat bermain menggunakan user id pro anda. Tentunya para pemain perlu melakukan transaksi deposit kedalam akun anda. Sehingga akun anda akan terisi chip yang nantinya untuk dapat bermain semua game yang ada di jeniuspoker. Nah, untuk minimal deposit yang berlaku di jeniuspoker tentunya sangat terjangkau para pemain hanya perlu mengocek kantong sebesar Rp.10,000 rb. Denga modal yang sangat minim ini tentunya para pemain sudah dapat bermain semua game yang ada di Jeniuspoker.

Perlu anda tahu, media transaksi yang disediakan jeniuspoker juga sangat banyak variasinya dimulai dari bank bca, bni, bri, danamon, mandiri, cimb, permata dan bagi para pemain yang tidak memiliki akun perbankan maka jangan khwatir. Karena agen jeniuspoker sudah menyiapkan transaksi melalui media ovo, gopay dan pulsa. Dengan banyaknya media transaksi yang tersedia di agen jeniuspoker tentunya hal ini membuat para pemain lebih mudah dalam bermain semua game yang tersedia.

Tips kemenangan Pembelian Jackpot Poker

Sebagian Orang menggangap Hobi dalam Bermain Suatu Permainan Baik Offline maupun Online demi Melancarkan Unek Unek  ( Beban pikiran ) baik buruknya yang merupakan kebiasaan atau juga Hobi , namun dari sebagian orang malah memanfaatkan Hobi untuk yang lebih Bermaanfaat seperti meraih kemenangan dalam suatu permainan Tersebut sampai menjadi hasil nyata untuk dapat dipergunakan dalam sehari hari yakni Uang Asli

Apalagi Seseorang merupakan Hobi bermain Permainan yang terbilang Perjudian Seperti bermain Permainan Poker , Ceme , Capsa susun , Togel dan Lainya Sebagainya yang dijaman Sekarang ini menyediakan penyediaan Tempat Melangsungkan Hobi anda Dengan Transaksi Uang asli dan Aman Serta Proses Mudah , Cepat

Namun Pada Dasarnya Banyak Orang Mengadu keberuntungan dalam Permainan Seperti yang di Jelaskan Diatas ( Togel dan Poker ) karena Pendapat Sebagai Berikut :
1. Ramah Kantong Dikarenakan Modal Untuk Bermain Sangat Minim Sekali Yang hanya berkisaran 10 Ribu rupiah
2. Sangat Mudah dalam Bermainya Karena Semua Panduan Permainan Disediakan Oleh Penyedia Pelayanan Situs Online aman Dan terpercaya tersebut

3. Withdraw  / Penarikan Dana Tidak Berbatas Dari Kemenangan yang anda Hasilkan untuk bisa Dicairkan Kapanpun Yang akan Langsung Diluncurkan Kerekening anda Secara Cepat

4. Akses Aplikasi ,  Situs Online aman  Dan terpercaya Mudah  , Nyaman Dan stabil

dan masi banyak pelayanan menarik yang anda bisa dapatkan jika bergabung dan bermain di situs online karena tidak membuat anda berburu dengan waktu ,dan juga kapan saja bisa dimainkan yang membuat anda akan terasa nyaman

Disinilah orang-orang membuat hobinya menjadi bermanfaat dengan mengadu keberuntungan yang tidak menghabiskan Kuota Jaringan yang dibeli tiap bulan secara sia sia , karena didalam permainan tersebut yang paling paling ditunggu adalah jackpot yang harus anda pahami untuk anda menangkan hinga berkali – kali lipat kemenangan dari Modal kecil anda untuk dipertaruhkan

dan berikut tips kecil untuk anda yang suka bermain permainan situs online seperti Poker , Ceme , Domino dan lain sebagainya

1 Mengingat dengan pasti dalam tiap putaran kartu yang sudah keluar

2 pastikan anda sudah mahir mengetahui kombinasi kartu yang masuk kategori jackpot

3 memastikan saldo untuk pasangan jackpot tidak ragu ragu

4 cari target kategori jackpot terbesar

karena ketika anda sudah mengetahui kombinasi kartu anda akan mudah dalam memprediksikan kapan kartu tersebut akan muncul dan anda akan mendapatkan hadiah selangit untuk kemenangan yang bisa anda bawa pulang .


FaceApp Sangat Berbahaya ?

Baru-baru ini sebuah Aplikasi pengubah wajah menjadi tua sedang trending menghiasi berbagai post di media sosial Instagram. Anak muda bisa mengubah wajah mereka menjadi orang tua yang lebih berumur seperti seorang kakek dan nenek-nenek.

Ya, FaceApp memang menjadi viral dalam beberapa hari ini mengingat begitu banyaknya warganet yang saling menggungah di akun pribadi Instagram mereka demi menontonkan wajah mereka dengan keadaan tua. 

Sayangnya Aplikasi edit ini kabarnya memiliki kerentanan dengan mencuri data pengguna. Teranyar pakar IT dari New York,Amerika meminta badan Intelijen negara paman SAM yaitu FBI untuk menyelidiki FaceApp tersebut.

Sebenarnya mengapa Facce dinilai berbahaya bagi para pengguna ? Apakah dapat merugikan pengguna dalam bentuk materil ? Simak beberapa paparan tentang bahaya FaceApp sebagai berikut.



Mungkin masih banyak orang yang tidak mengkhawatirkan sebuah data diri atau profil dari seseorang yang bisa dimanfaatkan oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Biasanya beberapa pelaku kejahatan bisa memanfaatkan data seseorang untuk melakukan tindakan kriminal yang dilarang oleh sebuah pemerintahan. Jika data kamu digunakan kamu bisa berurusan dengan pihak yang bertanggung jawab loh.


FaceApp Tidak Ada Legal Standing

FaceAPP sendiri masih dipertanyakan dengan kebijakan privacynya mengingat aplikasi ini tidak memiliki alamat lengkap tempat pengoperasian,perkantoran dimana itu akan sangat penting untuk mengetahui lokasi server. Mengingat beberapa aplikasi yang sudah memiliki izin pengoperasiaan seperti Facebook,Instagram maupun Whatshapp.


FBI Turun Tangan

Pakar Informatika di Amerika Serikat sudah meminta FBI untuk menyelidiki Aplikasi ini. Mengingat bisa menjadi bumerang jika FaceApp menjadi mata-mata sebuah negara untuk mendapatkan berbagai informasi data seseorang yang jelas akan sangat merugikan. Kabarnya FBI sudah memasuki tahap penyelidikan yang sedang berjalan.

Namun FaceApp sendiri memberikan klarifikasi bagi para pengguna jika mereka tidak melakukan  pencurian data pengguna demi kepentingan. Pihak FaceApp sudah menegaskan jika setiap foto yang di Unggah selama 48 jam akan dihapus dari server aplikasi. Dan tidak membenarkan jika mereka menjual data para pengguna kepada Russia.


Yakuza Online Will Be Available For Mobile

SEGA announced their plans to release the Yakuza game into the mobile version a while ago in the form of Yakuza Online. After the pre-registration campaign, it was finally released on all PC and cellular platforms in Japan and can be played for free. Unlike the Yakuza Game, most Franchise fans can only play through the PlayStation console, Yakuza Online features Kasuga Ichiban is the latest series of the Yakuza Franchise.

Like most Japanese mobile games, the question of when or is the release of this game in the International version always a subscription, we all know that Japan often releases its games only in Japanese or can only be played in Japan. So far, SEGA has localized the Dx2 Shin Megami Tensei Liberation which even has a collaboration event with Bayonetta.

There has been no indication of localization of Yakuza Online, but the latest interview on this matter seems to give us a glimmer of hope. Otaquest and Exile Sekai interviewed Toshihiro Nagoshi of SEGA about matters relating to the Yakuza and asked him about the international version of the Yakuza Online release. He said he wanted to see this game first released in the West but unfortunately Toshiro could not make an appointment regarding this. This may be just a sweet promise, but if we look at the first indication of this, SEGA wants to try to release this game in the West first.

Given the recent surge in popularity of the Yakuza game that began with the PS4 Yakuza 0, SEGA may actually localize Yakuza Online because they have made and released this franchise to PC last year. For the Mobile version, this game has been released in the Japanese version, or you want to be patient until the release of the International version.

Review: APEX Legends !

Surprising, of course, the right sentence to describe the lunge of Respawn in presenting APEX Legends. Being anticipated as the newest Titanfall series, it turns out that APEX Legends is an unusual battle royale game. The best thing? This cool game comes in free to play, unique, interesting, and addictive, three things that we clearly feel when trying APEX Legends. Making PUBG elements with Titanfall without Titan (giant mecha), APEX Legends feels like a breath of fresh air in a genre of battle royals.

Will not be faced with playing solo or squad with 4-5 players, APEX Legends gives a battle of 3 royale squad battles filled by 20 Squads in each match. APEX Legends really prioritizes team cohesiveness in the field, there are 6 characters that you can play, all of which have different abilities to complement each other. From leaning to defensive abilities, attacker types, to tracker types, all of them feel interesting to play & try one by one.

Because using this class system, of course APEX Legends does not present a variety of customization features in the style of most battle royale games. But instead, there are cosmetic features in the form of skins that you can use to display characters and beautify the appearance of weapons. As a free game to play, of course APEX Legends embeds microtransaction in it, you can get various cosmetic skins through the Gacha system, every time you level up or pour real money.

Formulated with Source Engine just like Titanfall 2, the visual quality display presented by APEX Legends certainly looks very charming. Starting from lighting, texture, reflection, shadow, so that the environment really looks very neat, we are even sure that APEX Legends is one of the best graphic royale games at the moment.

Lola Zieta Will Be Present In Horror Game Called: Jurit Malam

The shocking news came from one of the Models and Cosplayers from Indonesia, the article through his Instagram posting posted he posted a post which indicated that he would be present in a game with the Horror diplomatic genre of Android. The game which has the title Jurit Malam was produced by one of the local studios, GambirStudio.

In this post, Lola Zieta provides a certainty that the game will be available soon after Andorid. In addition, the GambirStudio Instagram account gives a little glimpse of what the latest game will involve Lola Zieta.

The post with the caption “Be careful of walking alone at night” is a video in which a woman walks in the dark, with a school building seen. When viewed from the video snippet, this game will have a horror genre with a touch of survival and puzzle. Interestingly, from the post, Lola Zieta appeared to be wearing a high school uniform with a red jacket.

Let’s just wait for what Jurit Malam game with Lola Zieta as one of the characters that you can play in a game that is a local studio, GambirStudio.

Characters In Mortal Kombat 11 Will Appears In Mortal Kombat X

For Netherrealm and Warner Bros, it is incomplete if the excitement of the emergence of the Mortal Kombat 11 game can only be felt by gamers and console users. Smart phone gamers have also received a hype that is really very unexpected by them.

Reporting from the official Mortal Kombat game account post on Facebook, they just gave a surprise to mobile gamers to be able to enjoy sadism that is shown by almost all of their favorite characters in the newest game version.

Interestingly, they did not announce at all the existence of the Mortal Kombat 11 game dedicated specifically to the mobile platform. Instead they put the Mortal Kombat 11 characters into an update to the Mortal Kombat mobile game they have had for a long time, namely Mortal Kombat X Mobile.

So far, it has been confirmed that there are 3 characters who are ready to enliven the latest Mortal Kombat X Mobile update. One that has been confirmed is the Scorpion character in the Mortal Kombat 11. fashion version. Moreover, Mortal Kombat X Mobile itself is also rumored to be changing the name of their game soon to be “Mortal Kombat” only (for mobile platforms).

This form of name change was intentionally carried out to confirm the expansion of the range of their game content while representing the only Mortal Kombat game available on the mobile platform. Where you can download the mobile version directly in free to play on the Playstore and iOS platforms.

Denies Censorship, Director Dead or Alive 6 Give Clarification

Present with a different concept by minimizing the “fanservice”, there are many rumors which include sensual fighting game Dead or Alive 6. Especially after interviewing the game Director and Producer, Yohei Shimbori with GNN. The GNN translation error shocked all of his fans, so Shimbori had to clarify the interview.

Previously it was reported that Dead or Alive 6 would reduce the effect of torn clothes in order to attract a female audience complete with differences in content on each platform. This was denied by Shimbori when it was confirmed again by Twinfinite. Shimbori said that there were translational errors and citations to previous interviews, he continued that the game content would remain the same on all platforms.

When asked whether costumes and animations including “shock” animations will remain the same on all platforms, Shimbori replies that all platforms will have the same but different special animation content for costume issues. This is because there is costume exclusivity on each platform.

Shimbori stressed that there was nothing they did to attract a female audience, because he believed that most female players he knew would use sensual characters rather than ordinary ones. He also clarified that Sony’s censorship was not true.

At the end of the interview, Shimbori acknowledged that her team had reduced the features of the torn clothes in the game. They did so that the game could be sold on various platforms. But he stressed that the possibility of this being changed was also very large.

When it was confirmed that the possibility of the feature could be set to be more “prominent” after the game was released, Shimbori guaranteed it.

Persona Q2 Release Date Already Anounced

How if Persona 3, Persona 4 and Persona 5 character merged in one game for 3DS console ? Can you imagine that ? Its not a hoax anymore, because you can meet all of the Persona 3 to 5 character in Persona Q2. Back in time, after success with Persona Q sequel, Atlus now back with new sequel: New Cinema Labyrinth.

4 years after being released, Atlus will come back again to enliven Nintendo 3DS console with new games, start with classic dungeon Etrian Odyssey till new sequel of Persona Q.

Still confuse or dont know about Persona Q story ? Ok, make it short, Persona Q series its a RPG game with dungeon crawler and turn based system. You will walk inside the labyrinth or dungeon, when walking and exploring the labyrinth, you will face some monster. The Battle System using turn based system, so you will need to arrange your turn to win battle against monster.

One thing that make this game so catchy is the chibi character, yeah we know that Nintendo 3DS focused on cute character so at this point, decision of making this game with cute character is a good decision.

This game will be release in 29 November 2018. Till now, there is no information about english version for this game. But, some say the English version will be availabe on next year.

Miles Morales Will Be Playable ?

The Spider-Geddon event in comics is nearing climax! But behind all the dangers that hit our favorite spider heroes, there are several interesting interactions between different Spider-Man. One of them was the interaction between Insomniac Spider-Man from the PS4 game and Miles Morales. What effect do they have on both the Morales PS4 interaction?

In the Spider-Geddon comic, it is told that Otto Octavius ​​of Earth-616 who now has the power of spiders and named himself Superior Spider-Man, recruited Spider-Man from Earth-1048 in his struggle against the Inheritor Family. This version of Spider-Man comes from the Insomniac Games PS4 Spider-Man game universe. Thanks to this Peter Parker from the PS4 Spider-Man game interacted with the world in comics and met various versions of Spider-Man from around the universe.

When recruiting this PS4 Spider-Man, Peter also briefly mentioned the PS4 Morales Miles. Similar to the Morales Miles that we know, Morales PS4 Miles also has the power of spiders. Otto even intends to invite him to participate in the war against the Inheritor Family. Unfortunately, Peter considered Miles Morales PS4 not ready for such a big thing and told him to stay on Earth-1048 to replace him if anything happened.

Luckily we know that at least Peter Parker PS4 will not die in the Spider-Geddon event considering the PS4 Spider-Man game is still popular. So at least Peter Parker will almost certainly return to Earth-1048 after they succeeded in defeating the Inheritor Family.

One of the togel online highlights of Peter Parker PS4’s participation in Spider-Geddon is the conversation between Peter and Miles Morales from the comic. Peter seemed to admire Miles Morales who, although still young, was able to lead Spider-Man forces from various parts of the world and not give up under any circumstances. According to Peter, this is very important for the leader.

Anime Ao no Exorcist Immediately Get Adapted Games For IOS and Android!

It seems that anime’s success really made game developers to create anime adaptation games on various platforms such as console and mobile. This time it’s the turn of fans of the Ao no Exorcist anime to be pampered with games on IOS and Android, with the official title of Blue Exorcist: Damned Chrod. This game is planned to be released in 2019 and is a work from Aniplex with the RPG strategy genre.

Ao no Exorcist itself is a manga and anime by Kazue Kato which was first released in 2011. Ao no Exorcist himself tells the story of a young man named Okumura Rin, who has a twin sodara named Yukio, and is the son of a king Satan born of a woman normal In order to control his ability, Okumura Rin himself is required to join a school called True Cross Academy to protect the world from satan threats while at the same time understanding who he is. So far this game has not provided too much detail for the newest game, but judging from the trailer it is likely that this game will have a turn-based RPG Card genre, where you only press the card icon for each character to trigger attacks and various skills.

This game itself is not a playful project because it immediately obtained a direct license from Aniplex and A-1 Pictures in its animation, while for the music itself it was immediately dubbed by famous singer Hiroyuki Sawano and Sayuri. Let’s just wait for the Blue Exorcist game: Damned Chords can be as successful as games – adaptations of other anime from mobile like Fate Grand Order and SAO Memory DeFrag.

SEGA Will Launch Their Latest RTS Mobile Game “Revolve8” Beginning in 2019

SEGA recently announced that their latest mobile game, Revolve8, will be released in early 2019. You can check the trailer below. This game quite fun because there is so many features and mini game which can be playe.

Reporting from Niche Gamer, the game with the RTS theme will be released worldwide on February 6, 2019 and first for Japan on January 22, 2019. Then the pre-launch limited access first opened on January 19 in Australia, New Zealand and several other countries.

Revolve 8 presents a game where you will send your troops and heroes to destroy your opponent’s defenses. You might be familiar with the concept that was popularized by the Clash Royale game.

But what distinguishes it from similar games is the graphic visual which is certainly cool and the character design that is thick with Anime style from Japan. And besides PvP mode, there are also Main Quest and Hero Quest for you who want to enjoy PvE content.

For those of you who are interested in playing it, you can immediately do pre-registration for Android on this page and iOS on this page. By doing pre-regis, you have the chance to get 1000 Gold and several characters like Aladdin, Sinbad, Cinderella and many more.

Dead Cells Review – Addictive Difficulties

like the experiments of the Frankenstein monster. The game tries to combine 3 game genres at the same time starting from metroidvania which forces players to explore big maps full of mysteries to find the right room, Roguelite which keeps changing layout levels every time it is played, and souls-like which in fact is difficult and encourages players to memorize every aspect of the game.

Combining various genres like this is prone to make the game unfocused and identity crisis, especially for small indie studios that try to release their first game on all existing modern gaming platforms. But with the mature execution of Motion Twin, the three genres combine to become a difficult yet addictive unit to be played hundreds of times

At first glance, Dead Cells looks like other indie games with Roguelite elements that are now cliched for indie studios. Roguelite which actually has a random level has gotten a bad perception in recent years. The random level created by the procedural generation feature makes the level designer not too dizzy because it doesn’t have to spend a lot of time on level design and this trick becomes a cheap trick to make playtime from the game longer than it should.

Even though this sounds like a bad thing, the beauty of this genre comes from how good the execution is from the developer. When the roguelite genre is combined with gameplay designs that are full of variables and capable content to make curious players, the roguelite genre can make the game very rewarding and addictive to play. Dead Cells is the latest example of good execution.

The premise of Dead Cell is very simple, you play as a green blob that can take control of a dead body. You are trying to free yourself from an underground prison, but of course there are many obstacles that will hinder your efforts. Enemy soldiers who all want to kill you, levels that change every time you die, and big deadly bosses are the biggest obstacles you will face.

Lokapala, MOBA Game from Indonesia

Whose said Indonesia is the worst game industry and still losing from abroad? In the game world, we know that Indonesia is starting to rise and show its fangs, one of which is the Anantarupa game studio.

Recently, it was reported that the game studio will explore the genre of games that are currently being played, namely MOBA, and the game will be titled Lokapala: Saga of The Six Realms.

It is interesting if discussing the MOBA game indeed, you know for yourself that Indonesia is still the “market” for this type of game, while the developers are dominated by games made in Korea, China, America and Japan.

Even so, Diana as COO of Anantarupa studio said that Indonesia is currently showing itself that not only can it become a market, but also makers of MOBA games that can be famous throughout the world, with Lokapala: Saga of The Six Realms.

It is also said that the Hero characters in the game will later be inspired by puppet stories, as well as history in Indonesia.

If you discuss puppets, there must be some that appear in your memory, right? Like Gatotkaca, Bima, Hanoman, Arjuna, and so on.

Well, later the names of popular figures will get a form development which will certainly be more interesting in the Lokapala game: Saga of The Six Realms.

Best Graphic Game For PC

1. Digimon Story: Cyber ​​Sleuth – Hackers Memory

In the best series of the most distorted, this game about fighting monsters and collecting them is one game that can make you reminisce again about the charm of the Anime version that first aired in the 90s. With the name Digimon Story: Cyber ​​Sleuth – Hackers Memory, the game formulated by Bandai Namco can be classified as a Digimon RPG game that is quite solid and can be missed by loyal fans.

First of all, the Cyber ​​Sleuth – Hackers Memory series has presented many additional new Digimon with a form of visualization that is quite cool and maybe you have never known before. This game also has a focus on the plot to be built, along with the RPG system that is re-oriented towards your action in cultivating the Digimon that you have.

2. Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise

Is an adventure game “guts” that was adapted from the popular anime / manga series in the 80s ago. An anime that is widely known to netizens because the words “Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru” have received a version of the latest game adaptation in the hands of the publisher Sega. And the result, Sega apparently wanted to bring a “Yakuza” spirit in contaminating this Anime into a game called Fist of The North Star: Lost Paradise.

Believe me, seeing Sega’s reputation that is quite sweet with Yakuza, Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise is still a game that is able to present a range of Yakuza-style gameplay that is very spread from Kenshiro as the protagonist. The amount of content presentation that is not only about leaking the head / body of the enemy with your hands, makes this charged game Anime worthy of being calculated in 2018.

3. My Hero’s One Justice

Seeing the Animen series rising in recent moments, Izuku Midoriya certainly doesn’t want to miss the opportunity to be able to show off the Quirk action in front of all of you as gamers. Through the Bandai Namco intermediary, for the first time you can watch Boku No Hero Academia actually adapted directly into more modern video games.

Titled My Hero ‘s One Justice, the game’s initial debut on the AAA game platform turned out to be not as bad as expected. The fighting genre game is apparently quite exciting and fun to play. Especially through the perspective of 3D gameplay that can give you plenty of space to see the various actions of cool Quirk moves that are exhibited by each character plus the additional appearance customization features as flavoring.

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LEGO: Lord of the Ring Can Be Play For Free

Of the many LEGO series games, Lord of the Rings is certainly one of the film adaptation games that is not only hilarious, but full of stories that are exactly the same as the film trilogy. You who have played open-world games, of course, remember how it feels to jump from one story to another using Palantir’s power. Luckily, you who have never played it can now try it without being charged a penny.

Welcoming winter, Humble Bundle free LEGO Lord of the Rings permanently for a limited time. All you need to do is visit the following link, click “get the game”, then click “open your e-mail” when faced with two choices with the option “continue shopping” in the second option, then you can claim the code directly on Steam. Keep in mind, this event is only valid for two days starting today, so it would be nice if you claim it right now.

LEGO Lord of the Rings presents the world of open world with stories adapted directly from its film trilogy. You will be able to explore the Middle-Earth world and interact with several NPCs in it.

Not long ago, the LEGO The Hobbit game was also made free by Humble Bundle. The presence of Lord of the Rings seems to aim so that you can enjoy the game not halfway, considering that both of them are set in the same world.

Jump Force Confirmed Added Midoriya Izuku Characters

After the announcement of Asta’s presence from Black Clover and one of the One Piece folders, it looks like Bandai Namco will return to add another jump character in their fighting game, Jump Force.

As we know, Jump Force is fighting style game which is came with anime characters. We can see a popular anime characters on this game like Goku from Dragonball, Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach, Luffy from One Piece and many more.

Through jump magazine, it was confirmed that the main character of My Hero Academia, Midoriya Izuku will join the Jump Force. He will have the power of “Delaware Detroit Smash” with a fighting style that combines punches and kicks. He can also use special moves from one for all at what percentage level the power has been arranged like in the manga and anime. There is no clarity whether other characters from the manga and anime will join in the Jump Force.

Jump Force will be released on the 15th February 2019 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Previously, Bandai Namco also confirmed the presence of Boa Hancock, Trunks, and Abarai Renji to participate in the game. You can read more about the game through the official site.

Call Of Duty By Tencent Finally Released

After it was first announced a few months ago and made a scene, because this game is a joint project between Tencent and Activision. Finally, you can enjoy the game that has the official title of Call of Duty Legends of War. Even though this game is still unreleased and still in the Alpha Test stage you can still play this one game by downloading it via the ApkPure website.

In this Alpha Test period you will be presented with two modes that you can play including Multiplayer Mode and Zombies Mode. In multiplayer mode you will play in teams and will face other players, in this mode there are five types of games that you can try in frontline, Team Deathmatch, Search & Destroy, and Free for All.

Interesting in Zombie Mode the game Call of Duty Legends of itself will have a story mode that is quite exciting to follow. For the appearance of this game itself will have stunning graphics and will use a virtual joystick to play it.

Seen from the virtual joystick, it seems that for those of you who often play PUBG Mobile games will not have difficulty playing this game, considering that the Mobile version of Call of Duty was also developed by the studio behind the successful battle royale, TiMi Studio.

The main difference between this game and others is the system auto attack which might make some players feel uncomfortable. But considering this game itself is still in the Alpha Test stage, it is likely that Tencent will eliminate the auto attack feature.

Of course this one game is worth your try, considering it’s still in the alpha test stage. Besides this game itself can be an increasingly clear sign that the migration of games previously released on the console and PC will be coming soon on the Mobile poker platform.

Perilisan MechWarrior 5 Will Be Delayed Till 2019

Controlling robots and destroying opponents with sophisticated weapons is indeed the main essence in mecha games. And those of you who have played games since the 90s may have at least tried one of the MechWarrior game series.

Last appeared in 2002 with MechWarrior 4, Piranha Games as the developer wanted to re-introduce the MechWarrior series to the generation of gamers of the present era with MechWarrior 5. However, even though it was planned to be released this December, it seems that fans must be patient and wait even longer .

Reporting from PC Gamers, Piranha Games has already announced the resignation of the release date of MechWarrior 5. However, through MechCon 2018 which was recently held in Vancouver, the developer again gave the release date of MechWarrior 5 which falls on September 10, 2019.

As you can see in the trailer above, graphic enhancement is certainly one thing that is striking since the last game was released in 2002. But the gameplay itself is of course also increasing the message with the presence of a variety of equipment and weapons that you are free to create deadly mecha.

And to provide a more epic playing experience, MechWarrior 5 is also planned to be compatible with HOTAS or Hands On Throttle-And-Stick equipment, so you can play this game like driving a real mecha.

Resident Evil 2 Remake: Ada Wong Look More Seductive !

Present as an ambitious remake project, Capcom tries to bring a variety of new & interesting things into Resident Evil 2 Remake. Even so, Capcom promised to make the remake project still give a nostalgic feel, of course it was very much awaited by the fans.

As we know, Resident Evil is the most popular game from Capcom. This game is survival game with horror genre. Back in time, this game break the top chart of popular game in Playstation 1. Resident Evil have many sequel which can be played through all gaming console.

After Claire & Leon are certain to have a line of costumes that can be chosen according to their wishes, now it is Ada Wong’s turn to be shown using new costumes. Through some screenshots that have been leaked in cyberspace, you can see Ada Wong who has a more feminine appearance in her red dress.

The leakage of this screenshot was responded well by the fans, many fans cheered because they could see the figure of Ada Wong who was more attractive and at the same time “tempting” compared to the initial appearance of using a coat & sunglasses.

Resident Evil 2 Remake itself is scheduled to be released on January 25, 2019, for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, & PC.

New Project From Square Enix With Tales Producer

Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Tales series have their own huge fan base. But through the latest collaboration between Square Enix and also the producer of the Tales series, Hideo Baba will probably “unite” them. Yep, Square Enix and Hideo Baba have confirmed their collaboration which is currently still given the Prelude Rune Project code!

This news itself first appeared at the beginning of 2017. At that time, Square Enix confirmed that they established a new studio called Studio Istolia. Interestingly, Square Enix then appointed Hideo Baba as the head of the studio, and finally built a new team to develop this Prelude Rune Project.

Hideo Baba himself claimed that his choice to leave the Tales series and develop the Prelude Rune Project was to get new challenges, while building a new IP to be as famous as Tales. And a few days ahead of the 2018 Tokyo Game Show (TGS) which will be held starting tomorrow, September 20, Square Enix also released the first teaser of this game.

From the teaser shown, it appears that this game is still at a very early stage. But we can see how the graphic style of this game combines the graphic style of Tales with Dragon Quest. With TGS 2018 in sight, it looks like we can expect more details to be confirmed for this title.

This teaser appears to complement the concept image released earlier, which features a princess who nurtures dragons. Even though neither the princess nor the dragon appears on this teaser, it could be that these two elements will be the main focus in Prelude Rune’s Project later.

DreadOut2 Claimed To Be More Scary Than The First One

In a way, DreadOut is one of the pioneers of Indonesian PC games that went to Steam. This game is also a pioneer of the crowdfunding movement in Indonesia, after successfully penetrating the funding target through the IndieGogo website. Well, four years later after its release, Digital Happiness from Bandung has prepared its sequel, DreadOut 2!

This news was initially confirmed through the official DreadOut fanpage, and finally last night Digital Happiness began opening the Steam page for this sequel. Through this Steam page, we can see the trailer and also the first screenshot of DreadOut 2, which is still not getting an official release schedule.

From the description shown, DreadOut 2 will still maintain the hallmark of ghost hunting gameplay using a smartphone. But the difference is, this time you will explore a city either at day or night. The city is haunted by a mystical legend. So it’s your job to solve the puzzle that happened behind the legend.

Digital Happiness also revealed a little gameplay from DreadOut 2. Besides using a smartphone to hunt ghosts, later you will also fight against the ghosts. From the trailer we can see one of them, where you can fight ghosts (using a sword?) At close range.

In addition, Digital Happiness also stated that the story in this game will run non-linearly. Many NPCs will give you sidequests and the opportunity to explore the small town to break the mystery.

There is no release schedule from DreadOut 2. But for those of you who are curious about the world of DreadOut, you can visit them at PopCon Asia 2018 which is held today and tomorrow. There you can directly meet the developers, while knowing how the latest updates from the DreadOut movie are reported to have finished the shooting process.

Nomuro : Final Fantasy VII Remake Still Going

After the tragic event that hit the latest DLC features planned for Final Fantasy XV, Square Enix is ​​still continuing the Final Fantasy VII Remake project! In fact, they will also be a big priority in the future!

Reporting from Famitsu, in an interview with Tetsuya Nomura with on Friday (11-16-2018), the director of Final Fantasy VII, who had handled the title from the start, confirmed that the Final Fantasy VII remake version would be the main focus in PR efforts ( Public Relations ) for the next Square Enix.

The action will be carried out of course after the Kingdom Hearts III game was released in January 2019. Nomura also provided clarification about the misinformation circulating from his comments at an event at the Artnia Cafe in Tokyo last November.

For more details, the misinformation circulating on the internet is a rumor that the development of Final Fantasy VII Remake has not yet begun or has not developed at all. Nomura denied the clarification, as he revealed at the E3 event, that the Final Fantasy VII Remake project was going well.

Final Fantasy VII itself is a Square Enix project that revives one of their best games in the PS1 era with a new game mechanism and a reorganization of the graphics of the game with their best quality at the moment.